Studying on Microprofile of Optical and Supersmooth Surface Using AFM with Laser Lever 应用激光光杠杆式原子力显微镜研究光学及超光滑表面微轮廓
According to this measuring principle, photo-electric optical lever is used in pulling and stretching measuring instrument to develop a high-accuracy intelligent system to measure Youngs Modulus. 并根据此测量原理,将光电光杠杆应用于拉伸法杨氏模量测量仪中,设计了一种高精度杨氏模量智能测量系统。
Gun Barrel Inner Diameter Measuring System Based on Optical Lever 基于光杠杆的火炮身管内径测量系统
The Principle Proof of Measuring Minute Length by Optical Lever 光杠杆测量微小长度原理的证明
The change of two dimensional micro distance is measured by using a position sensor and the two dimensional amplification of double optical lever. 利用光电位置传感器和二维双光杠杆放大,能够测量出二维微小距离的变化。
The defects, such as complex beam path of optical lever amplification method and low accuracy measured by telescope, are done away with in the new method. 这种方法摒弃了光杠杆放大测量方法中光路调整复杂、望远镜测量精度不高等缺点。
Error analysis in the optical lever magnify 光杠杆放大法的误差分析
In order to improve the system of traditional optical lever, We use laser beam instead of the telescope and use photomask and vernier caliper instead of the scaleplate. 采用激光束来代替望远镜,用光屏、游标卡尺代替标尺,改进传统的光杠杆系统。
Research on the measurement of the Young ′ s modulus system by photoelectric optical lever 光电光杠杆测杨氏模量系统的研究
An Optical Lever With the Vernier Spider Line 加装游标叉丝的光杠杆
On adjusting optical lever system 关于调整光杠杆系统的研究
Interference optical lever micrometric principle and applied 干涉光杠杆测量原理及应用
A nanometer system for displacement measurement is described, which is based on the principle of optical lever. 介绍了一种基于光杠杆原理的光学微位移测量系统。
New viewpoint is obtained from the principle proof of measuring minute length by using optical lever, and the discussions are given to the result. 本文通过对利用光杠杆测量微小长度变化原理的证明,得出了新的见解,并对结论进行了讨论。
Application Analysis of FM Optical Lever System in Control of Scratching Depth AFM光杠杆系统在刻划深度控制中的应用分析
Technology of Wavelength Tuning Based on Refractive Optical Lever and Its Application in Optical Spectrum Analyzers and Diode Lasers 基于折射光杠杆的波长调谐技术及其在光谱仪和LD中的应用
Study on a nanometer system for displacement measurement based on optical lever 基于光杠杆原理的纳米级微位移测量系统研究
Metalloenzyme was detected by E-test method. A Study on the Measurement of Mini-displacement with a Convex Mirror Optical Lever Etest法测金属酶。凸面镜光杠杆法测微位移的实验研究
Classical optical lever was improved with a carved vernier spider line in an eyepiece of the telescope to increase the precision of an optical lever and reduce the error. 为了提高光杠杆的精度,减小实验误差,对原光杠杆进行了改进,在望远镜的目镜中刻划了游标叉丝。
In addition, the optical lever system is used to improve the wavelength selecting accuracy and resolution of optical spectrum analyzer. 接着,提出利用光杠杆方法来提高光谱仪的波长精密调谐精度。
During the design of this measuring system of micro displacement, a novel design principle-optical lever, is proposed, which becomes the foundation of the entire measuring system. 在本课题的目前研究阶段,我们提出了一种创新的光杠杆式原理,并根据原理设计了整个测量系统方案。
Tapping Stylus and Optical Lever 轻拍式探针和光杠杆
The Optical Lever Enlarging Method Produced Error Because of the Angle 光杠杆放大法测量中α角产生的误差
In the traditional experiment of measuring Young's Module by stretching with optical lever, calculating principle is not perfect, experimental conditions are not easy to achieve, physical course is not exactly controled, and apparatuses are difficult to operate. 传统的光杠杆放大法测金属丝弹性模量的实验存在计算原理不够完善,实验条件难以达到,物理过程掌握不够准确,实验仪器调节不便等问题。
Approximate on the principle of optical-lever 光杠杆测量原理中的近似
Determination of elastic hysteresis loop of metal wires by mean of optical lever method 利用光杠杆法测量金属丝的弹性滞后环
A Study on the Measurement of Mini-displacement with a Convex Mirror Optical Lever 凸面镜光杠杆法测微位移的实验研究
Optical lever method is a main technique to detect the cantilever's position in atomic force microscope ( AFM). 光杠杆法是原子力显微镜(AFM)悬臂定位的主要方法。